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 Some string replacing utilities (25oct2009)
Curiously enough I hadn't found in the huge java standard library any utility to process escape sequences and, more generally, replace multiple strings in one pass, so I had to write something like this:
package src2xml; // Containers import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; // Regex import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /** * This call collects some String facilities * @author Matteo Gattanini * */ public class StringUtils { // . . . Attributes static private MultipleReplacer single_escseqs_replacer = new MultipleReplacer("(\\\\,\\) (\\t,\t) (\\n,\n) (\\r,\r) (\\f,\f) (\\b,\b) (\\\',\') (\\\",\")"); // . . . Methods //----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Translates the possibly escape sequences. * Incredible! Java does not provide one? * @param s The input String * @return The String containing the escaped characters * @throws Exception If something wrong with Regex stuff * @see java.lang.String * @see java.util.regex.Pattern */ public static String ProcessEscapeSeqs(String s) throws Exception { // Deal with simple escape sequences s = single_escseqs_replacer.doReplace(s); // Deal with complex patterns uhhhh,xhh,ooo Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})|\\\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|\\\\([0-7]{3})").matcher(s); // Here we go... StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.length()); while ( m.find() ) { String esc = m.group(); Character c = (char) ( Character.isDigit(esc.charAt(1)) ? Integer.parseInt(esc.substring(1), 8) : // octal Integer.parseInt(esc.substring(2), 16) );// hexadecimal m.appendReplacement(sb, c.toString()); } m.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } // end 'ProcessEscapeSeqs' // . . . Classes //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= /** * A class that performs multiple replacement in a given String * */ static public class MultipleReplacer { /** * Class constructor * @param s_pairs Initialize replacing pairs */ public MultipleReplacer(String s_pairs) { try { addPairs(s_pairs); } catch(Exception e) {System.err.println(e.getMessage());} } public MultipleReplacer() {;} // . . . Main interface /** * Retrieve replacement pairs from a String. * Known bugs: problems may arise when strings contain * regex special characters * @param s_pairs The input String. * It must have the format: {@code "(old1,new1) (old2,new2) (old3,new3) ..."} * @throws Exception If the input String is invalid */ public void addPairs( String s_pairs ) throws Exception { //String[] p = s.split("(^|)\\s*(|)$"); for(int i=0; i<p.length; ++i)... Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\((.*?)\\)").matcher(s_pairs); while ( matcher.find() ) { String[] s_pair = matcher.group(1).split(","); if ( s_pair.length != 2 ) throw new Exception("Invalid replacement pair in " + matcher.group()); else addPair( s_pair[0], s_pair[1] ); } } /** * Add a replacement pair (old string, new string) * Be sure to not add multiple times the same String * to replace * @param old_s The occurrences to be replaced * @param new_s The replacing String */ public void addPair( String old_s, String new_s ) { pairs.put(old_s, new_s); } /** * Apply the collected replacement pairs * @param s The input String to process * @return The String after replacements * @throws Exception If something goes wrong */ public String doReplace( String s ) throws Exception { // Do nothing if no replacement pairs if ( pairs.isEmpty() ) return s; // Build the regular expression Pattern ptrn_regexspchars = Pattern.compile("[\\\\\\^\\$\\.\\|\\?\\*\\+\\(\\)\\{\\}\\[\\]]"); StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder("("); for (String k : pairs.keySet()) { // Must fix regex special characters: ehm, cannot use myself for this! k = ptrn_regexspchars.matcher(k).replaceAll("\\\\$0"); regex.append(k+"|"); } regex.setCharAt(regex.length()-1, ')'); //System.out.println(regex); // D_EBUG // Instantiate the required objects Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex.toString()).matcher(s); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s.length()); // Here we go... while ( matcher.find() ) { String replacing = pairs.get(matcher.group()); if ( replacing == null ) throw new Exception("Ehmm, check string pairs in MultipleReplacer, cannot find: " + matcher.group()); matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacing); } matcher.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } // . . . Attributes private Map<String,String> pairs = new HashMap<String,String>(); // Replacement pairs } // end 'MultipleReplacer' } // end 'StringUtils'